The user interface is designed to make imaging quick and convenient, even for new users. All options are pre-configured and calibrated across the different plate formats available and with options to cover different imaging applications.
To get started, simply select the plate type you wish to image:
There are 3 main types of lighting:
Bottom light: this shines a diffused light from the bottom up through the sample and into the camera. This is great for high-contrast imaging of plates, particularly for applications like CFU counting. This only works on translucent samples.
Top light: this utilizes a ring-like lighting fixture in the camera head to illuminate the sample from the top. This results in much more realistic morphology and color depictions. The top lighting mode works on any subject, including non-translucent samples and substrates such as soil, yogurt and many others.
Fluorescence imaging: this imaging mode combines the top light at high exposure times with a built-in filtering device in the camera head to selectively block out certain wavelengths. This allows the imaging system to capture full fluorescent timelapses alongside brightfield images.
Multiple imaging modes can be utilized at the same time - for example to generate a fluorescent timelapse looking at a biosensor while simultaneously capturing a bright-field video which is used to measure the growth rate.
Examples of bottom light and top light being used in conjunction on the same plate to image fungal growth:
Two different plates showcasing bacterial colonies with bottom light and top light:
Example of a single 48-well plate timelapse imaged with both top light and GFP imaging modes:
The capture interval and duration can be selected at the bottom. This will also give the expected run-time and total number of images captured of each sample/well. Jobs can be extended or stopped after they are started from the job list.
Images can be downloaded from the "data export" panel in bulk if required.
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