🖥️Network connectivity

Internet Connection

  • A wired Ethernet connection is recommended for reliable data transfer

  • Wi-Fi configuration is also available, but performance may depend on your environment

  • A minimum connection speed of 3 Mb/s upload and download per device is required

Networks with a firewall

Required configuration

  • Outgoing TCP Connections *:443 to *:* (HTTPS)

  • Outgoing UDP Connections :41641 to :* :* to *:3478

  • DHCP for IP address assignment (for custom configuration, see below)

  • There is not a set of static outbound IP addresses the device communicates with.

Isolation of device

  • Isolating the device on its own VLAN or similar port isolation is suggested

  • The device does not require internal connectivity within your network

  • *.reshapebiotech.com domain and subdomains must be reachable

    • This is for essential operation of the device. For updates, support and general maintenance we do not currently have an exhaustive outgoing list of adresses!

  • TLS/HTTPS interception is not supported

Custom configuration

This must be done before the device is shipped

  • If you require special network configuration, such as Wi-Fi, Static IP, DNS, or a proxy connection, contact us to communicate directly with your IT department.

  • It is currently not possible to self-manage the network configuration, unless using DHCP.

    • We are actively working on providing a way to self-configure network

  • We do not install arbtrary software on our devices

Additional information

  • Images are sent and securely stored on Amazon S3 servers and only accessible by your configured users

  • Device is a Linux-based machine running Debian

  • Automatic security updates are regularly applied

  • Ethernet socket connects directly to the machine

  • There is no USB port accessible on the device

  • Device does not have backup power

  • In case of a power outage, device will not automatically recover

Network block diagram can be found below:

Last updated